Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wii Will RebUild

 Author's Note: This game is inspired by a new piece of technology that came out recently, the Wii-U. It's also, I believe, subconsiously inspired by ZombiU, as well as Rayman Origins.

Your typical post-apocalypse story: Peaceful place, darkness takes over said place, a group of young teens sets out to rebuild the land and defeat the source. (Honestly, this game is not dependent on the story.)

A platformer meant for more than one player, with a few key differences.

One player plays as the inventory keeper. He/she will keep all of the items collected in a Resident Evil style fashion, meaning that some items will take up more grid space than others. If this player dies, part of the inventory is lost. If every player dies, part of the inventory is lost as well.
One character fighting a dark being. Note the gamepad, which shows the inventory.
The inventory comes in handy for two things: Revival of Characters and building the village. After each stage, you head back to the village and build inns, hospitals and other buildings, for the purposes of improving your character's weapons, reviving characters, etc. If a character dies, they will not respawn until you sacrifice an item from the inventory at a graveyard. If every character dies, they will all respawn at the village (with part of their inventory removed, as stated.)

After each visit to the village, you are given a map piece to chart your course to the castle. You can place the piece to a connecting roadway to enter a level. If the path ever splits into two, you have the chance to receive a special dead-end piece. Completing a dead-end level is optional, but it will give you special items if completed.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Joe: The REALLY Foreign Exchange Student

 Author's note: Sorry for being so late this time around! This idea is inspired by the original Toejam and Earl game.

A foreign exchange student has come from another world to take classes inside of your computer. He's decided to crash inside of your monitor for a little while until he's gotten all his assignments done. The only problem is that he doesn't have the materials he needs to get all of them done.
Joe, the exchange student, inside of the Monitor.
You'll need to guide him through space and time to get them, ranging from a rare dinosaur egg for Culinary, to a Rosetta Stone for World Language.

A mixture between a social RPG and a live-action roguelike. Inside of dungeons, you guide Joe around using the mouse. Depending on his current mood, he'll follow your move. Joe's mood can change according to how you're guiding him. If you have him take too much damage, he can become resistant to following you and go on his own path. If you accidentally hurt something friendly, he'll begin to cry and his movement will slow down, etc,  etc. Joe, while a friendly person, can also fight with a click of the right mouse button. Your aim in each floor is to go up a floor using the stairs, until you find what you're looking for.

His mood is also impacted by what happens inside of the Monitor, outside of dungeons. Joe is a frequent TV watcher, so during free time, you can choose what programs he watches, ranging from soap operas to action flicks. Joe is also a frequent water drinker, so you must keep a steady supply of it from dungeons in the Monitor. Joe can also read from his assigned textbooks to learn skills to use in dungeons later on. If you don't want to play a dungeon right away, you can always listen to Joe's many non-sequiturs and funny observations of life.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Elevator: 50 Floors of Terror

Hey guys! Sorry to post late, Hurricane Sandy knocked out my Internet. I'm currently posting on my iPad at my Nana's house, so I'm afraid there's no pictures today. This idea is inspired by "weird RPGs", like Earthbound or Contact.

You're an average business man on the way to the top floor of your office building. However, something weird has happened to your office today. An alien spaceship has crashed on the top of the building, and all it's inhabitants have decided to spread to all the floors. Your mission is to get to the top and defeat all the aliens you can.

A first person RPG that has you walking around on each floor of the building in search of the next elevator up to the next floor.

Battles occur when the player gets close to an enemy. You and your party all take a particular "stance", either Offense, Defense, Heal or Magic, and their attack set is modeled after that stance. Stances are decided when you first get a party member. You can later change these stances at computers on different floors for a fee.

You can talk with party members each time you get into an elevator. You can choose which ones you want to go with you, as well as engage in small talk to upgrade certain stats.